Genres : Shounen, Mystery, Fantasy
Episodes: Unknown
This movie is adaptation from Shounen Light Novel by Makoto Sanda
The story show that Iba Itsuki is a normal high school until his father disappeared. After that, he is head of Astral Company. Astral is company that rents the magicians out. Every witch have special abilities.
The story show that Iba Itsuki is a normal high school until his father disappeared. After that, he is head of Astral Company. Astral is company that rents the magicians out. Every witch have special abilities.
Characters :
Iba Itsuki
a kid with the eye patch is a high school student who descent Astral Corporation. Behind the eye patch, sleeps an All-seeing eye called the Fairy's Eye (Youseigan).
Honami Takase Ambler
She is a classmate of Itsuki and also one of the Astral's Celtic magic member. This witch has revived the lost art of Celtic magic. She seems to have a connection with Itsuki's "Fairy Eye".
Magic Style: Celtic
Magic Style: Celtic
Katsuragi Mikan
In second year elementary school, she was entered Astral Co employed in Shinto Department. She admire Itsuki and called him as Oni-Chan (big brother). Her family comes from a long line of black magic but she doesn't really talk about it.
Magic Style: ShintoKuroha Manami
She is employee training at Astral Co that was suffering Amnesia.
She seems attracted to Itsuki. Her special skills are handling Astral's organization schedule.
Magic Style : ShintoShe seems attracted to Itsuki. Her special skills are handling Astral's organization schedule.
Nekoyashiki Ren
Head of Onmiyoudou department. As his name implies, he absolutely loves cats. He is number one among all Astral employees although he may not look like have a power. He has been work at Astral since Astral was a small company.
Magic Style: OnmyoudoAdilicia Len Meizars
She is able to invite the 72 demons. This witch is the young enchanter from British who descendant of King Solomon and the Head from Gettia; the Rival of Astral Company. Despite they always compete, yet in some cases, they help each other.
Magic Style: The Secrets of Solomon
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