Genre : Horror, Mystery, Psycological, Fantasy
26 : Episod
also known as Girl From Hell, is an anime series, produced by Aniplex and StudioDeen. It premiered across Japan on numerous television stations, including Animax, Tokyo MX, MBS, and others, between October 4, 2005 and April 4, 2006.
O Pitiful shadow cloaked in darkness. Thy actions cause men pain and suffering. Thy hollow soul drowns in thy sins. Would you like to see what death is like?"
Rumor has it that somewhere on the internet there is a mysterious website Jigoku Tsushin (Hotline to Hell) accessible only at midnight, those who seek revenge can find this website and submit the names of one they hate. The Hell Girl named Ai Enma will offer them a waraningyou; a straw doll with a red string wound about its neck. When people untie the drag your tormentor down to hell, but if the Hell Girl fulfils the request, a crest shaped mark will appear on the chest the people who request her to revenge, to always reminding them that after their lives come to the end, they must give compensation by having their own souls also sent to Hell. In her duties she assists by 3 assistants. They helps her to investigate the real situation of their clients.
Characters :
He can manifest a single, very large eye that can be appears anywhere.
Hone Onna
O Pitiful shadow cloaked in darkness. Thy actions cause men pain and suffering. Thy hollow soul drowns in thy sins. Would you like to see what death is like?"
Rumor has it that somewhere on the internet there is a mysterious website Jigoku Tsushin (Hotline to Hell) accessible only at midnight, those who seek revenge can find this website and submit the names of one they hate. The Hell Girl named Ai Enma will offer them a waraningyou; a straw doll with a red string wound about its neck. When people untie the drag your tormentor down to hell, but if the Hell Girl fulfils the request, a crest shaped mark will appear on the chest the people who request her to revenge, to always reminding them that after their lives come to the end, they must give compensation by having their own souls also sent to Hell. In her duties she assists by 3 assistants. They helps her to investigate the real situation of their clients.
Characters :
Ai Enma
The Hell Girl Enma Ai is a supernatural spirit or who can be contacted only by those whose hearts are burning with hatred. She become Jigoku Shouju to redeem her sins, burned to dead all villagers in her village. The caused she burned the villagers are the village they lived in, had a tradition: Every seven years, a seven-year-old child would be sacrificed to the god of mountain, allowing for seven more years of prosperity. Ai was chosen as the sacrifice, but her parents asked Sentaro - Ai’s friend; to hide Ai. Sentaro takes her, and keeping her to the hiding place. After six years, the villagers catch Sentaro and Ai during they had a secret meeting. They throw Ai and her parents to the pit, and forced Sentaro to bury them as redemption for hiding Ai that caused the village experiences famish in 6 years. Ai feels betrayed by him, and promise to take revenge to all the villagers. After Ai was buried, Sentaro see Ai burned the village on fire. Sentaro runs away from the village. He grew up with regret and feels guilt. Later, he builds a temple to memorialize Ai and other sacrifices to the mountain Gods. And now after 400 years, Ai is back to redemption her sins and to take her soul’s parents free. In the 8 episode, will telling Ai and Sentaro’s descendants.
Ichimoku Ren
He can manifest a single, very large eye that can be appears anywhere.
Old man wearing a hat and a red scarf and takes the form of the black straw doll; wara ningyou, this old man can transform into fire wheel-shaped from the chaise which Ai ride to pick up her target. He have a skills in martial arts and is capable of hurling fireballs and performing feats of inhuman strength.
Hone Onna
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