Monday, October 15, 2007

Darker Than Black (Kuro no Keiyakusha)

Genre : Science-Fiction
Episod : 25 episodes
Ten years ago, in the middle of Tokyo appeared Hell’s Gate, a mysterious place covered by a high wall. The stars in the sky disappeared and replace with false stars. At the same time, people starting appear with strange abilities, known as Contractor (Keiyakusha) who have new form and new special power, like as can manipulated gravitation, altering people become a stone, create the storm, but they all loss their emotion and empathy.

To maintain their ability, they have to fulfill some obligation which different each other every contractor. They must regularly do one activity that they hate. Contractor’s life symbolize with the false stars in the sky of Tokyo. Every false stars, have the same code with contractor’s code. The code named Messier Code. If the contractors shown their power, they will transmitting light known by Russel Effect.
Many nations and organization use contractor as agent and spy. They are doing their jobs effectively and able to murder in cold bloody. To investigate the secret behind the Hell’s Gate and contractors, Japan police form specialized unit named section 4.

Characters :
Hei / Li Shunsheng (means black)
The Contractor with code number BK201. Looks like a young man with age 20 years old, but no body knows how many his real ages and nation. He has identity as Li Shunsheng, and actually was an agent for the organization named “The Black God of Death”. Hei lives in Umitsukisou, a simple apartment at Tokyo. To do his mission, Hei usually wearing a mask with lighting mark. His weapon is a wire and also has ability to manipulate electricity. Hei have other destination merge into the organization, to look for his brother Bai and his best friend Amber. Hei can carry well and mindfully, but he also can use violence to achieving his goals. He was cookery but also eat a lot.

Yin (means silver)
Yin is 17 years old and Hei’s partner. She isn’t a contractors, but dolls. As like dolls, she always looks without expression. Yin has ability to track the existence of others from water media and her very sensitive hearing. She also knowing people’s personality although she was blind.

(means cat)
Mao was a contractor in 43 years old who has ability to transferring his soul into animal’s body. At an accident make his own soul trapped into the black cat’s body until now. He work helping Hei.

Kirihara Misaki
She is 27 years old and already has position as Head from Section 4 in Police Department. Her duty is related with case about Hell’s Gate and Contractors. Her characteristic is firm and never give up.

(means yellow)
He is a syndicate who has duty to observe Hei and friends. His look like is older than his real age.


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